Usually making an application for a National Insurance Number requires attending an interview at a Jobcentre Plus office to explain why you need a NINO and to confirm your identity. On 17 March 2020, due to COVID-19, the face-to-face interview process for NINo applications were suspended, this was then extended to all employment inspired NINo activities, on 25 March 2020.
On 1 June, a limited service was reinstated for NINo applicants, requiring a NINo for employment purposes, who did not need a face-to-face interview to verify their identity.
DWP has been working on a digital solution for months that will reduce the length of the NINo interview and will enable the reinstatement of a shortened face-to-face service. As a result, DWP introduced a new application system to a limited number of people. According to this new system, there are 3 steps to complete the application process.
1.Step (Step 1)
The applicant needs to call National Insurance number application line from 0800 141 2075, and answer below listed questions. At the end the applicant is given a reference number
Name & Surname:
Date of birth:
Purpose for Nino:
Entrance date to the UK:
Visa type:
Visa expiry date:
Address in the UK:
Phone number:
2. Step (Step 2)
The application form,invitation, and a website link for the online system are posted to applicant.
The applicant needs to fill out online application form, and visit the website using the link in the letter.
At the end of the online application, the applicant needs to make a note of the reference number, given by the online system.
And write this reference number on the second page of application form
3. Step (Step 3)
Lastly, the applicant must post below listed documents to DWP with the freepost envelope received with the CA5400 form.
-CA5400 Nino application form (with the online reference number)
-Photocopies of passport, entry clearance visa and biometric residence permit